My Big Financial Mistake
This might sound a little strange coming from a Financial Advisor but if there is one financial mistake that I made while I was a school teacher, that would be not starting a Roth IRA.
I do have a partial excuse and that’s due to my income being a little too high from all the extra jobs that I did back in 1997 when the Roth IRA was first introduced.
In 2010 they cameĀ out with the Back-Door Roth IRA which does not have income limits. I don’t have an excuse for that, however. I did make up for it somewhat by starting them for my kids.
The moral of the story is that inertia, or basically staying still and doing nothing, can be a powerful force to overcome – even for this Teacher/Financial Advisor. What’s even better now if you’re an educator is that many schools offer a Roth 403b. Don’t be like me and let inertia get the best of you. Don’t hesitate, motivate.