“The Case for Paying All Teachers Six Figures”

Here is a great article from the NY Times about how a former Wall Street worker has an epiphany about how many teachers are not paid commensurate with the workloads they bear. Too bad it actually takes people actually trying to do the job to realize this. The simple reason why there is a teacher shortage is due to other jobs paying more. Although in downstate NY salaries improve over time, this is definitely not the case nationally where teacher salaries adjusted for inflation have gone down from 1996-2017. Entry-level Facebook engineers earn well over $100,000. On average nationally, teachers start at under $40,000. Even veteran teachers still make much less compared to other professionals who need similar levels of education to do their jobs. Isn’t shaping the minds of the future at least as important as building addictive apps? Hopefully, I live long enough to see America put its’ money where its mouth is.

If you want to put the money that you do make to work for you just contact me.